Private Equity’s Increasing Impact in Africa
Vital Capital’s Head of Impact, Tamar Pashtan, talks about driving transformative change and delivering market-rate returns in developing economies – particularly sub-Saharan Africa.

Sustainability Data Redefined
Ex-PRI innovation lead Mikael Homanen explains how the Upright Project’s methodology for analysing company data can help quantify net impact through analysis of positive and negative factors.

A Nature-positive Economy
Karen Ellis, Chief Economist at WWF-UK, talks about the convergence of climate and nature and the emergence of industry sector transition pathways.

The Key to Effective Stewardship
Frances Deakin, LPPI’s Head of Responsible Investment, outlines the reasons why a whole-scheme management model is the right approach for UK pension schemes.

Pension Supervisors’ Principles-based Approach
IOPS Head Dariusz Stańko talks about the importance of integrating sustainability factors into pension funds’ investment and risk management processes.

Rethinking Sustainability Disclosures
Rand Corporation Senior Economist Harry Broadman says equal emphasis should be placed on sustainability disclosures and operational transformation, and CSOs should be empowered to drive change.

Iceland’s Sustainability Bond Debut
Sigurður Ingi Jóhannsson, Iceland’s Minister of Finance and Economic Affairs, talks about the country’s inaugural green bond issuance, which was promptly followed by the world’s first sovereign gender bond.

Decarbonisation Culture
Head of Sustainability at CDPQ Bertrand Millot highlights the pension fund’s focus on decarbonising the real economy, as well as comprehensively divesting from the oil industry.

Sovereign Wealth Funds’ Social Focus
Ana Nacvalovaite, Research Fellow at the University of Oxford, explains how investing in employee-owned businesses can help sovereign funds create prosperity for future generations.

A Principled Stance
Chris Skidmore, former MP and author of the net zero review, talks about what the next UK government should do to get the country’s net zero commitments back on track.

Africa’s Untapped Opportunity
Eva Warigia, Associate Director, Investor Relations at New Forests, explains how responsibly-managed plantation forestry in Sub-Saharan Africa is becoming an increasingly attractive asset class.

Focus on Outcomes
David Byrns, Portfolio Manager at American Century, explains why transition investing is fundamental to achieving net zero.

Nature Value at Risk
Helen Avery, Director for Nature Programmes at the Green Finance Institute, evidences the material risks environmental deterioration creates for the UK economy and financial sector.

The Long Game
Approaching his 20th anniversary in responsible investing, Rathbones Stewardship Director Matt Crossman reflects on the evolution of stewardship and highlights the power of collective action.

Road to Reform
Tangible progress could be seen on multilateral development banks’ reform and climate finance commitments at the World Bank and IMF’s Spring Meetings, according to E3G Senior Policy Advisor Laura Sabogal Reyes.

Redefining the World Bank
Modifying the venerable 78-year-old institution’s mission statement to incorporate sustainability objectives is an important achievement for its new president.

Becoming a B Corp
How does a B Corp certification benefit a bank operating in some of the most complex and challenging markets in the world? Crown Agents Bank’s head of ESG, Charlie Bronks, talks to The Banker about its journey to accreditation and why it is such an important step for the organisation.

Sustainable Banking Revenues Ranking 2023
For the second year in a row, Vancity has topped the annual Sustainable Banking Revenues league table, which looks at how much of banks’ overall revenue is being generated from sustainable lending, investments and underwriting.

İşbank puts sustainability at heart of its operations
Ahead of İşbank’s centenary celebrations next year, CEO Hakan Aran emphasises the focus on social responsibility and environmental commitments, and outlines what the bank of the future will look like.

Rwanda’s efforts to improve women’s financial inclusion
Soraya Hakuziyaremye, deputy governor of the National Bank of Rwanda, talks to Joy Macknight about the central bank’s drive to increase the financial inclusion of women and its plans to have equal access by 2027.

Looking at financial inclusion through a gender lens
Gender-intelligent design for financial services holds the key to unlocking financial inclusion for women. Joy Macknight reports on some innovative approaches showcased at the recent Women’s World Banking summit.

The chief risk officer’s critical role
With an ever-expanding remit and shouldering more strategic responsibility, the chief risk officer’s job is arguably the most difficult in the C-suite. Joy Macknight reports.

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