In conversation with Ajay Banga: state of the world

Ajay Banga, president of the World Bank, talks to The Banker’s editor Joy Macknight about his takeaways from his ongoing world tour, as well as the trust deficit between developing and developed nations, especially when it comes to the impacts of climate change.

In conversation with Ajay Banga: redefining the World Bank

Ajay Banga, president of the World Bank, talks to The Banker’s Joy Macknight about the development bank’s new mission — creating a world free of poverty on a liveable planet — and working with the private sector to unlock the capital needed to succeed.

In conversation with Ajay Banga: sustainability and resiliency

Ahead of COP28 in Dubai, Ajay Banga, president of the World Bank, talks to The Banker’s Joy Macknight about using subsidies to incentivise sustainable practices, the purpose of the recently launched Liveable Planet Fund and what is needed for voluntary carbon markets to be successful.

Crown Agents Bank’s journey to becoming a B Corp

Charlie Bronks, head of environmental, social and governance at Crown Agents Bank, a specialist payments and FX organisation with a UK banking licence, talks to Joy Macknight about the bank’s successful B Corp certification, the benefits that it will bring to the bank and also advice for other banks looking to get certified.

Ryan Rugg, Citi and Yuval Rooz, Digital Asset – View from Sibos 2023

Yuval Rooz, co-founder and CEO of Digital Asset, and Ryan Rugg, head of digital assets at Citi Treasury and Trade Solutions, talk to Joy Macknight about what impact the Regulated Liability Network will have on the global banking industry and next steps for the initiative.

To the cloud with Gravity – Driving organisation-wide innovation (Ch 1/4)

Banco Santander’s group chief operating and technology officer, Dirk Marzluf, and David Chaos, global chief information officer, talk to Joy Macknight about Gravity, the bank’s home-grown, cloud-native core banking system.

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